13-14 October 2022
Keynote speakers
Magdalena Zolkos
Counter-memory and Colonialism in the Arctic: Visual and Narrative Resignifications of ‘Arctic Hysteria’
Magdalena Zolkos is associate professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä in central Finland. She is affiliated with the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, where she was based in 2019-2021 as Humboldt Researcher. Her fields of research are memory politics, historical violence, memory and the visual, anti-colonialism, and gender and memory. Recent publications include Restitution and the Politics of Repair: Tropes, Imaginaries, Theory (Edinburgh UP, 2020); a co-edited volume On what cannot be touched. Contemporary Perspectives on Vladimir Jankélévitch (Lexington, 2019), and a forthcoming Philosophical Dictionary on Georges Didi-Huberman (Edinburgh UP).
Eva Maria Fjellheim
Through our stories we resist: decolonial perspectives on southern Saami history, indigeneity and rights.
Eva Maria Fjellheim is a southern Sámi researcher/writer, indigenous rights defender and radio documentary producer. She has a diverse background working with Sámi and indigenous issues through solidarity work, politics, journalism, art projects and research in Saepmie and abroad, especially in Latin-America. Since 2018 she holds a PhD position at the Centre for Sámi Studies at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, where she explores expressions of and resistance to green colonialism through the expansion of the wind power industry on southern Saami reindeer herding lands.